Meetings, Minutes, and Records

Regular Meeting: Friday, August 9th at 10:00 A.M.
Watch this space to see if this is an in person or virtual meeting.

Regular meetings of the San Francisco SWCD board of supervisors are held on the second Friday of each month. Meetings are held in the Fire Training Center, which is located at 3 Mountaineer Road in Reserve. Meeting dates that fall on a holiday will be rescheduled. If restrictions on in person meetings are in effect the meetings will be held virtually using the GoToMeeting  platform. 

The Meeting information for the regularly scheduled meeting:

Click here for the latest agenda.

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Meeting Minutes

Minutes - November 9, 2020
Minutes - October 16, 2020 (Special Meeting)
Minutes - September 14, 2020
Minutes - August 10, 2020
Minutes - July 13, 2020
Minutes - June 8, 2020
Minutes - May 27, 2020 (Special Meeting)
Minutes - May 11, 2020
Minutes - March 9, 2020
Minutes - February 10, 2020
Minutes - January 13, 2020
Minutes - December 10, 2020
Minutes - January 11, 2021
Minutes - February 8, 2021 
Minutes - Emergency February 11, 2021
Minutes - March 8, 2021
Minutes - Emergency March 22, 2021
Minutes - April 12, 2021
Minutes -  May 10, 2021
Minutes - June 14, 2021
Minutes - Emergency Meeting June 23, 2021
Minutes - July 12, 2021 
Minutes - August 9, 2021
Minutes - September 13, 2021
Minutes - October 12, 2021
Minutes - November 8, 2021 
Minutes - December 13, 2021
Minutes - January 10,2022 
Minutes - February 7, 2022
Minutes - March 9, 2022
Minutes -April 11, 2022
Minutes - May 9, 2022
Minutes - June 27, 2022
Minutes - July 11, 2022
Minutes - August 8, 2022
Minutes -September 22, 2022
Minutes - October 14, 2022
Minutes - November 14, 2022
Minutes - December 12, 2022
Minutes - January 9, 2023
Minutes - February 13, 2023
Minutes - March 13, 2023
Minutes - April 14, 2023
Minutes - May 15, 2023 
Minutes - June 12, 2023 
Minutes - July 10, 2023 
Minutes - August 7, 2023 
Minutes - September 15, 2023 
Minutes - October 13, 2023 
Minutes - November 10. 2023
Minutes - December 8, 2023 
Minutes - January 12,2024 
Minutes - February 9, 2024 
Minutes - March 15, 2024 
Minutes -April 19,2024 
Minutes - May 10,2024 
Minutes - June 14, 2024 
Draft Minutes - July 12, 2024 


Open Meetings Act

RESOLUTION #004-2023 

WHEREAS. Section 10-15-I(B) of the open Meetings Act (Sections 10-15-1 through 10 15-4 NMSA 1978) states that, except as may be otherwise provided in the Constitution or the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, all meetings of a quorum of members of any board, commission or other policymaking body of any state agency held for the purpose of formulating public policy, discussing public business or for the purpose of taking any action within the authority of such board, commission or other policy-making body, are declared to be public meetings open to the public at all times; and

WHEREAS, Any meetings subject to the Open Meetings Act at which the discussion or adoption of any proposed resolution, rule, regulation or formal action occurs shall be held only after reasonable notice to the public, and

WHEREAS, Section 10-15- I(D) of the open Meetings Act requires the SAN FRANCISCO SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT to determine annually what constitutes reasonable notice of its public meetings:


Regular meetings of the SAN FRANCISCO SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT shall ordinarily be held each month at 10 a.m. on the Second Friday of each month at the Fire Training Center, Reserve, New Mexico. If for any reason we are unable to meet in person, the information to join a virtual meeting will be posted with the regular meeting notice and the link will be available on the website. A proposed agenda will be available from San Francisco Soil & Water Conservation District, 5460 Highway 180, Glenwood, New Mexico.
Notice of regular meetings will be given seventy-two hours before the meeting to parties who request it in writing.

A notice of regular meetings will be posted at the following locations:

1. Catron County Courthouse

2. Website -

Special meetings of the SAN FRANCISCO SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT may be called by the Chairman or a majority of the members upon three (3) days notice. Parties who have requested notice of meetings in writing will be notified by telephone.

Notice of special meetings will be posted at the following locations:
1. Catron County Courthouse, Reserve, NM
2. Website –

Emergency-meetings of the SAN FRANCISCO SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT are meetings called under circumstances which demand immediate action by the Board of Supervisors. Although the Board of Supervisors would avoid emergency meetings whenever possible, such circumstances may occasionally arise. The Chairman or a majority of the members upon twenty-four, (24) hours notice may call emergency meetings. Parties who have requested a notice of meetings in writing will be notified by telephone.

Notice of emergency meetings will be posted at the following locations:
1. Catron County Courthouse, Reserve, NM
2. Website –

Pursuant to Section 10-15-I(E) NMSA 1978, the SAN FRANCISCO SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT may close a meeting to the public if the subject matter of such discussion or action is included in Subsection E of the Open Meetings Act, Section 10-15-1 NMSA 1978. If any Board of Supervisors meeting is closed pursuant to Section 10-15-1(E) NMSA, such closure:

(1) if made in an open meeting, shall be approved by a majority vote of a quorum of the Board of Supervisors and authority for the closure shall be stated-in the motion calling for the vote on a closed meeting. The vote on a closed meeting shall be taken in an open meeting and the vote of each individual member is to be recorded in the minutes. Only those subjects announced or voted upon prior to closure by the Board of Supervisors may be discussed in a closed meeting; and

(2) if called for when the Board of Supervisors is not in an open meeting, the closed meeting shall not be held until public notice, appropriate under the circumstances, stating the specific provision of law authorizing the closed meeting is given to the members and to the general public.

If otherwise allowed by law or rule of the public body, a member of a public body may participate in a meeting of the public body by means of a conference telephone or other similar communications equipment when it is otherwise difficult or impossible for the member to attend the meeting in person, provided that each member participating by conference telephone can be identified when speaking, all participations are able to hear each other at the same time and members of the public attending the meeting are able to hear any member of the public body who speak during the meeting.

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact Annie Simpson at 575/539-2593, 5460 Highway 180, Glenwood, NM at least one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact Annie Simpson at 575/539-2593 if a summary or other type of accessible format is needed.

Howard Hutchinson Chairman, Board of Supervisors

This resolution passed upon motion by Frank Christensen and second by Bill Powell.

Motion passed.
Vote as follows: Yea Nay
Howard Hutchinson -Yea
Carolyn Nelson - Yea
Janet Porter Carrejo - Absent
Bill Powell - Yea
Frank Christensen - Yea

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